Spur Ride: The Ruck March
The Order of the Spur is a Cavalry tradition in the United States Army. For a cavalry Trooper (the cavalry equivalent of the word "Soldier") to join the order of the spur, they must pass a series of tests set by their command--the spur ride. Once accomplished, the Trooper is awarded spurs to be worn with his or her military uniform. However, a Trooper may forgo the tests in joining the order of the spur if they see combat with their cavalry unit. In some units, gold spurs are awarded for combat inductions while silver spurs represent having completed a spur ride. Therefore, silver spurs and gold spurs hold a relationship in the cavalry as the Expert Infantryman Badge and the Combat Infantryman Badge holds in the infantry.
Induction into the Order of the Spur is for life, and the status travels with the Soldier from unit to unit. There is no Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) requirement for the order of the spur, and the order is open to members of foreign military serving with U.S. cavalry units. As a member of the order, a cavalry Trooper also acquires the last benefit of stopping for a drink at the mythical canteen Fiddler's Green on their descent into Hell.
The tradition of having to "earn your spurs" reaches back to the beginning of the cavalry. When green Troopers first arrived at their new cavalry assignments they were assigned a horse with a shaved tail. This led to the nickname "Shave Tail" for newly assigned, spurless Soldiers. These new Troopers were in need of extensive training, especially in the area of swordsmanship from atop a horse. The horse with a shaved tail was given extra space in which to operate since its rider was marked as an amateur. During this phase of training the Troopers were not allowed to wear spurs because this would only serve to compound their problems. Only when they were able to prove their ability to perform with their horse and saber were they awarded spurs.
Team America rests before heading out to their first station.