
Today marks the 5th year after the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. It is a significant day for me, as this was one reason why I joined the military. I knew long before 9/11 that I wanted to be in the military, but after this day, it seemed even more like a call that needed to be answered. This day also marks the 1 year anniversary of my departure date from Lincoln, NE, to Fort Stewart, GA. This was the beginning of it all for me. It seems like forever since that day, but it is nice to look back at it as a milestone. The more milestones, for me, the better. It's a way to look back at the places you have been, and the things you have done. If you take that kind of perspective, it really makes it seem like time has been flying. Many soldiers would probably tell you different, but everyone has a different view. I feel like I am on the downward slope, spending 12 months on active duty, with "hopefully" 6 or 7 left to go. There is really nothing to look forward to before the end of the doployment though, as I have already taken my environmental leave. But as soldiers always do, I'll just have to adapt and overcome.
Please take a moment today to pray for those we have lost, as well as those who have lost someone.
Isn't it strange how someting like this leaves such an impact on the rest of your life? For you, it was joining the military and being one who fights for our freedom. It hit me when dad was gone, and I was singing the National Anthem at a Stars hockey game, and I just realized that I was singing for him. And now, when I sing, I think of you. I never realized how patriotic I was, and what the National Anthem meant for me until my family became a part of the war. Now I realize the importance of your job and dads job. This will be a day I will always remember, because it was the day that changed the lifestyle of our very own family. I pray for you and your safety and hope for you to come home soon. Love, Meagan
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